Why Build an Energy Efficient Home? |
Differentiate yourself from your competition
Growing interest in all things 'green' has spread to almost every magazine cover, and has even spurred the creation of a new cable channel devoted strictly to the elements of green living. With so much interest in green homebuilding and green home renovations, the shortage of green homebilders leaves room for your company to be among the leaders in Alabama green homebuilding.
▪ Differentiate yourself from your competition.
▪Increase customer satisfaction.
▪ Improve the bottom line.
▪ Reduce insurance costs and liability.
Increase customer satisfaction
Help your customers save money and energy every month, create a comfortable home, and protect the environment. The quality features built into ENERGY STAR qualified homes leads to a lasting value, increased customer satisfaction, and more referrals.
Improve the bottom line
Satisfy the growing demand of today's homeowners to save energy, and translate that into an opportunity for your company to profit. Some buyers will use projected energy savings to pay for additional, high value upgrades. ENERGY STAR builer partners also report reduced customer callbacks and fewer warranty claims.
Reduce insurance costs and liability
EPA's rigorous guidelines and third-party inspetions and testing help reduce liability issues. New standards help avoid common construction defects such as air leakage, improperly installed insulation, and missing air barrier details that can result in drafts, uncomfortable temperaatures, and moisture problems.